Monday, February 27, 2006
Time for update.

I'm just such an inflexible person. I was waiting for ade to download the photos out of her phone so that I could post abt Vday but it's coming to 2 weeks past Vday and it's way past 'heck it' time.

Waltz and samba class is great. But not having a fixed partner is a little bit of a problem when it comes to learning the dances cos it's easier to dance if you could hold your partner slightly closer and when required, step in between her feet. Dancing with other girls is fun cos you are dancing with other girls but you don't know how comfortable she is with you (most probably not a lot) so you can't really get in close.

One Tues evening I had dinner with yv at PS and it was good. After we ate, we were walking thru the mall then suddenly the conversation topic for the night landed on us unexpectedly. Two guys come up behind us and they were talking loudly enough for us to hear. I can't be sure what they were talking abt liao.. but we picked up the topic and I was telling yv that the engin guys are still unattached, and it was an odd thing because they're all good guys and few of them had really good qualities.

Then for the next 3 days I got into gear for fyp and did my work properly.

Fri evening I had dinner with mei, dan and qin. I intruded on their regular sisters' nite out (I didn't know it was their regular activity) but they welcomed me to join. I was expecting mei to be in a dress or skirt cos of some reports from bana but she was in jeans...

Then I didn't ask but I was wondering why was I the 4th person at the dinner table instead of bana since it was sisters' nite out. Think I should tell bana...

Late fri nite I had SC with the SC gang and my team really stank. We sucked and got whopped very badly. Almost enough to make me quit SC.

Then sat we went sentosa. Played some serious beach volleyball and got thrashed as well.. haha.. Zee found 3 live sea snails and we had fun building shallow sea water reservoirs to put the snails in so that we could wait and watch them come out of their shells.

And then today, I woke up thinking of going for dance class but ade said she wanted to go out so ok I go out with her instead of going dance since I already went for the wed class and sunday is just a repeat. But sigh, when it was 1, she called to say she's getting a headache and apologise that she gotta go rest 1st before we could go out. By then it was a bit too late to go down for dance while she rested and then when she was ready, it was 430 and during which time I could have gone for the dance class. Made me a little unhappy. I slowly let it go away but I met her still with half the unhappiness unevaporated then until we reached Cine and settled on a place for dinner then the unhappiness finished evaporating.

I ordered something that when served really made me wish I had ordered something else. It was a totally unsatisfying meal and did naught for cheering me up. We went to watch Rumour Has It, and I really hate the movie. The movie is not made poorly, it's a good and fine movie but I hate the story and the characters. I think I took the movie too seriously.. you go watch and then I'll tell you more abt why I hate it..

In the time I took to type out the post, ade downloaded the pics and so to continue on a long post, here's what we did on Vday.

We had a small picnic out at Changi beach. I prepared hotdogs, chilli tuna and hard boiled egg for sandwiches, bought mango pudding for dessert, sparkling grape juice
and red wine for drinks and sparklers to play with.

Changi beach wasn't totally deserted, there was another couple eating macs in the back of their honda jazz, a nicely dressed couple on the beach and a few people moving about. It was very windy and we took one of the stone tables beside a bbq pit.

 It was already getting dark when I thought of taking photos.

 That's not a bug on my shoulder.

  I had all our food prepared and packed in disposable containers.

 I bought cabernet sauvignon (left) and La Cuvee Bichot (right) from 7-11. Both were too spicy for my liking but mixed with the sparkling grape juice, it was fantastic.
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Pangy was pricked and bled at 12:09 AM

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