Thursday, February 02, 2006
Tagged by little ms ~y~

"Name five of life’s simple pleasures that you like most, then
pick five people to do the same. Try to be original and creative
and not use things that someone else has already used:"

1. Sampling music at record shops
2. drinking frappucinos
3. going to HK Cafe and not knowing what to order cos everything on the menu looks wonderful
4. a good game of Starcraft
5. blasting Lush99.5 and driving home on clear expressways

additional pleasures

6. seeing the few chiobus of engin between lectures
7. chatting with the ones on my msn contact list, though i think i've only had 1 conversation that's really interesting
8. getting friendly with galfrens
9. finding interesting blogs while random surfing thru the 'Next Blog' button
and 10. havin the guys over playing xbox till the next morning, kinda similar to 4 but not quite cos Starcraft is more like strategy while xbox is action and just fun

People who will probably have even more exciting and hedonistic
pleasures than me
1. deferens
2. dawna
3. cap'n intrepid
4. angel
5. yv

PS: ~y~, i dun have the funky RSS feed thingy, so took me until now to find out i've been tagged haha.. hope you weren't holding your breath!

Pangy was pricked and bled at 11:07 PM

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