Sunday, May 08, 2005
More Orlan Bloom to the rescue

Watched Kingdom of Heaven. At the end of it, didn't feel that it was so fantastic. Sure, the seige and knight charges were splendid and I've always liked medieval knights, swords and armour and shield but at the end of it, it just can't compare to say Troy. Troy had a fantastic character in it, Achilles, who stole the show unlike in KoH where none of the characters stood out particularly.

At least this time Orlan Bloom isn't equiped with his weapon of choice, longbow and arrow.

Some questions I had as I was watching the movie..
1. If his dad was such a wise lord that cared truely for the people, why didn't he start on the irrigation project himself and leave the lands he owned dry and barren, his people without enough to eat and drink?

2. When Orlan Bloom led his knights against Saladin's advanced party, led by the guy he spared just after he arrived in the middle east, how the hell could the cavaliers have realised that it was Orlan Bloom amidst the mad blur of the battle and not have killed or greviously injured him?

3. When Saladin marched on Jerusalem, how could he have not noticed Orlan Bloom's white stone markers? A cunning strategist such as himself would have realised that the white painted stones served as some kind of marker for the defenders. He could have ordered the army to E-brake then send a few horsemen to scatter the stones.. then the defenders would be screwed..

If Orlan Bloom wanted to be devious, he could have sent people out to poison the water sources along the way from Saladin's camp to Jerusalem.

Also watching him fight for his horse kinda made me feel that the world hasn't actually changed that much.. horses gave men stature, speed and they were prized posessions, modern steel steeds the automobile can be regarded similarly.

"What man is a man who lives a day without making the world better" (exactly what was it that he carved into the beam of his blacksmith shop?)

Be without fear in the face of your enemy,
Be brave and upright that God may love thee,
Speak the truth even if it leads to your death,
Safeguard the helpless

Pangy was pricked and bled at 12:03 AM

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