Friday, December 19, 2003
CTW BBQ No.3 was great fun again! Though it rained heavily from about 5-7, we bought a small aluminium tray and started a small fire in it.

Luckily the rain stopped eventually and we moved to the pit.

So happy I got to bbq those really beautiful Airpork pork chops from Carrefour again! Really lovely pieces of pork chops that aren't too lean and nice and flat, easy to cook.

And I also got to bbq white button mushrooms! Those were so nice too! Smear on generous amounts of butter, splash on some pepper and coat some teriyaki sauce just before they're done... Ooohh..

The sambal I bought for the stingray was really spicy and fragrant! Angel and Mike loved it, but Angel couldn't really take the heat and drank lots of soft drink haha!

T'was really a good bbq, even the rain couldn't stop us! One of us must have lots of Wood in his/her ba zi which prospered with the downpour and in turn fed the fire!

Smirnoff Orange Vodka proved that the girls would rather have something that tasted nice whereas the guys would rather just have lots of drink and get drunkedly high.

Must not let Guizhong handle booze. Though he didn't drink over his limit today, he spilled a good 2 capfuls of it on his leg while he was mixing some drinks up for Indian poker! Haha! Mustn't let him get too near the drinks the next time.. chalet or bbq, haha!

Ruyi and Angel got quite red after getting a few drinks of vodka but Tanny maintained her standard and didn't show any sign of imbibing. Jiaxuan also maintained her standard of not drinking, I think she had just one small sip at the end of the bbq after we 'yam seng-ed'.

Present were : Angel, Guizhong, Hongwei, Jiaxuan, Mike, Pangy, Ruyi, Tanny, Youkai, Zhihao.
Out of focus but.. oh well..

Pangy was pricked and bled at 11:59 PM

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