Thursday, September 11, 2003
Today is thursday. It seemed like last Thursday was just yesterday. You get that feeling when you're either really busy or you're having tremedous fun. Guess why I have that feeling? Yessh.. no prizes for guessing correctly, I have been super busy. Do a quick recap..

last thurs I wasn't feeling super busy but I had quite a lot of work and self-studying to do, I also hadn't had the time to read for my Soci lecture.

Then friday was a long day cos of lab. Hey.. I did get out to walk about on my own that day.

Saturday I slept in to get rested and woke up studying more Java. Went to get a haircut and gave tuition and came back study somemore.

Sunday, gave tuition then had lunch with ade, came back to study and had dinner myself and tried the tutorials for Monday.

Monday, Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java
lab Java lab Java lab Java lab

Tuesday, crashed CE lecture, Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab Java lab

wednesday, gave make up tution, came back had big dinner as celebration for my Sis's bday on Saturday, Ade and sis's bf also came. Then more Java lab.

and suddenly it's thursday again and I haven't done my readings.

Saw Thomas as he got off the 96 that pulled up at Forum busstop, asked me to give his 'dear', Angel some help in Java. I said I will.

Then before my bus came, TuckWeng walked up to the busstop and we went to SOC together. Today I didn't try to be smart like last week, I didn't cross the road to take the bus for 1 stop. I simply got on to the 95 that arrived at the busstop at the same time as me.

Went out to Sim Lim to buy printer ink, chop chop affair and on the way down I saw Wenwei. So coincidental, the last time (long ago) I bumped into him was also at Sim Lim.

Now I'm just wondering why my Java proggie crashes when I send it to the Online Judge....

Pangy was pricked and bled at 10:16 PM

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