Saturday, August 30, 2003
Proposition : The presence of more girls in tutorial class makes for better interaction between the opposite sexes.

Applicable to : NUS Engineering students

Some Assumptions : There are no clicks in the class that's larger than the size of 2

Explanation :
All guys want to know more gals. In the tutorial class however, attempts to get introduced to girls will appear to be buaya. Thus if there were a more equal ratio of guys and girls, introducing oneself to the girls would be a less conspicuous action. You will not appear to be going out of the way to get introduced to that girl or those few girls.
After getting introduced to some of the girls, it would not be a big deal to go and introduce oneself to the remaining girls and of course don't forget the guys.
It would be safer to know the guys immediately around you 1st then with a look of friendliness stretch out your hand further to shake hands with others.

Reality check :
People usually go to tutorial classes with some friends that they already know. That means the number of strangers is reduced.
Case A : with only 1, max 2 other friends
This is rather ideal because now you have only about 20 pple you don't know. Seems like a big number 20 but it's easy to know the people immediately around you.. that's at least 4 people.. adding their friends you would know very quickly and easily almost 8 people. Then now that you've been introduced to close to half the class it's time to know the other half!
Case B : with 3 and more friends
It might be difficult to know new people because you are in too large a group already. Knowing the other guys around you wouldn't be too big a problem but that does not disprove my proposition. Having too many friends already in the class with you creates inertia and your friends will easily think of you as buaya when you attempt to get introduced to the girls.

Post is meant for Friday but I got 'distracted' by Angel who called to get help for Java lab and crossed midnight before posting.

Actually I had nothing to post for Friday but Yanli says I can post this rubbishy proposition of mine.. so now you have it! I might post more of my 'theories' and 'propositions' when I feel like hee

Pangy was pricked and bled at 12:36 AM

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